Points You Should Know about the World’s Most Dangerous Hackers
Hacking is on the rise, and you will find that most of the hugs are usually against small businesses though large corporations and individuals are also at risks of hacking. Below are some of the most famous hackers and the hacking crimes that the committed.
These famous hackers are the ones whose computer activities put them on the front pages of new publications. The crimes which they committed are mostly ID theft and stealing some of the classified information. Marcel later Lazar who is known in the hacking world as Guccifer hacked some of the political figures. He was the first person to share Photos of President George Bush’s paintings it is also alleged that he hacked into the email and Facebook accounts of a former secretary of state Colin Powell. Really made him famous was hacking the private email server of Hillary Clinton.
Another famous hacker is Albert Gonzalez who used to work for the secret service. Albert together with his hacking gang used Wi-Fi to break into retailers and secured computer networks. During their run they stole and sold over 140 million credit card numbers, he stole from big-name retailers. He was later on sentenced for 20 years after having confessed to his crimes.
Another popular hacker was known as Iceman whose real name was max re butler and he used to work for a computer security firm. He is known for making over 86 million dollars in fraudulent purchases which he made with a 2 million credit card numbers that he stole. He was also accused by the feds for creating and running a marketplace online called carders market whereby other hackers used this markets to purchase and sell innocent people’s financial and personal information. He confessed all the crimes that he committed and he was later on sentenced to serve 13 years in prison.
When New York Times was hacked in 2002 it was done by a happy who was known as Adrian lamu. He was fined 65000 dollars and spent two years on probation, but surprisingly that wasn’t the end of his hacking. He recently appeared in the news for turning in Chelsea Manning after leaking classified files from the US army. In the year 2003 a hacking group rose and it is famously known as anonymous, this group is known for targeting institutions, and they are also known for hacking campaigns to support, this group has not yet been arrested yet for the various hacks that they have committed.