Common Potential Concerns with Relationship and Social Media
There are people who are an addict on social media and there is a notion that most people can confirm that it can hurt the relationship. You need to be keen and careful to avoid hurting your relationship thus avoid social media is the biggest source of distraction. The social media can hurt relationship hence you need to have the best way and be careful to avoid losing your partner. There are common potential concerns with the relationship and social media reasons for been careful this include.
There is the common potential threat of constant call for more moments. The social media is a platform that makes everything to be competitive, this happen between others and yourself that can affect your relationship.
The excess exes are also a most potent threat. You need to avoid all the possibilities that will lead to insecurity and compromising the infidelity of your current partner this is because you will hurt them hence are on their shoes.
The idealized goals is also a common potential concern. You need to avoid talking about your relationship o the social media since it will make your partner to feel inadequate when you try to show the impression that you not contented with your state.
How public is your love is also a most potent threat. This is another big issue for the relationship that happens on the public status, you are upset when your partner does not publicize on the official status hence you start to question why your relationship is not online.
There is the potential threat of posting too much. In your head, it is caring gesture and very beautiful to share your relationship on the social media, this can be very exciting when you post and share your love everywhere.
There is the potential threat of page stalking other people or partners account. You need to avoid close tabs on the account of your partner where you find yourself in the state of being nosy hence you have to follow every movement on the online and this is a bad habit.
The guilty pleasure and sneaking is also the potential threat to the relationship and social media. It can be embarrassing when your partners find out that you have nude pictures on your accounts, this leads to lack of trust and honest thus avoid this secret of photos and you need to avoid sneaking. You need to walk away from the social media account and if you cannot do that, you have to do something that is constructive.