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The Essential Oils of Energy

Essential oils are the plants of life-blood. The transformation of plants in the energy of the sun through photosynthesis into energy food that people and animals thrive upon. The essential oils within the plants are a type that is concentrated on this energy. When people eat plants and herbs that are healthy for people to take in their concentrated energy and, like the plants, people flourish and grow. The energy of each of the plants carries their own vibration that is unique of frequency that keeps it in harmony with nature. So, when people eat the herbs and plants they take in their energy which is the vibration and it has effects on the level of vibratory of a person.

A person does not even have to consume plants in order to be affected by their energy, but a person just being near given plants is enough for changing the outlook and emotions of a person. A person needs to think about walking through a field of clover or flowers or even going for a hike with friends in a forest. A person can easily tell how they were affected by nature. Just by the smell of the fragrance of the plant that, of course, is the molecules diffused into the by the plant can have effects on the emotions of a person and not physical. The molecules that are fragrant can clear out the field of energy that congests energy.

Essential oils do not resonate with the toxins in the bodies of people which are why they assist in driving them out. Neither do they resonate with emotions that are negative, which is the reason why they assist in dislodging traumas that are forgotten surfacing them in the consciousness of people so that people can deal with them and let go. The nature that is subtle of essential oils mainly affects the subtle anatomy that is the electromagnetic field of people which are the energy field of people and also the centers of energy. When the atoms vibrate, it leads to the creation of heat and sound, and light occurs because the electrons vibrate. The bodies of people are energy systems that are dynamic. The spirit and mind are true sources of consciousness and emotions and spirit that can have influences on illnesses. Thus, a person requires understanding the technique of essential oils, especially when dealing with fatigue.

Together with the essential oils, there are suggestions of diets that help in fighting fatigue. A person needs to drink water on a regular basis so that they will stay hydrated. At times a person feels they are tired just because they are a little dehydrated. A glass of water will assist a person in doing the trick specifically after a person exercises. A person should not stop there but they also need to be careful when it comes to caffeine. The reduction of caffeine is another method that a person can test to see whether it is caffeine that taxes the energy levels of a person.

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